The Difference Between the Spacecraft.SetOrientation() and Spacecraft.SetAttitudeRefFrame() methods

General FreeFlyer Discussion.
Christina Reid 661d50fc4d968
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:08 pm
The Difference Between the Spacecraft.SetOrientation() and Spacecraft.SetAttitudeRefFrame() methods

Post by Christina Reid 661d50fc4d968 »

The Spacecraft.SetOrientation(CoordinateSystem) Method is used to set the orientation of the calling Spacecraft using a specified CoordinateSystem Object (which is built using two vectors, a direction cosine matrix, Euler angles, quaternions, a chain of existing coordinate systems, or using the Body Coordinate System of Spacecraft, CelestialObject, or Sensor objects). While the Spacecraft.SetAttitudeRefFrame(Variable) Method sets the Spacecraft's attitude reference frame to one of the predefined reference frames supported by FreeFlyer. Valid attitude reference frames that can be used with Spacecraft.SetAttitudeRefFrame(Variable) Method are:

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