Saving Plots When Running FF.exe

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Nate McCoun 6613f484be0f7
Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Apr 08, 2024 1:43 pm
Saving Plots When Running FF.exe

Post by Nate McCoun 6613f484be0f7 »

You can save plots from an automated run using a combination of the PlotWindow.SavePlotImage() method and the command line reference -windowed-output-mode.The PlotWindow.SavePlotImage() method call allows you to choose the image format, output filename, and optionally set the width/height for the image.

Mission Plan Syntax (after the Plot has been populated with data):

Command Line Syntax:

Code: Select all

ff.exe -mp "<PATH TO MISSION PLAN>" -wom image-generation-only
The windowed output mode command line reference specifies the behavior of output windows when running FF.exe. The "show-waiting-on-ff-stop" input will show the Plot/ViewWindows in real time but requires that the user closes out the FreeFlyer IDE manually, the "show-closing-windows-on-ff-stop" input will show the Plot/ViewWindows in real time and closes out the IDE once the Mission Plan has run to completion, and the "image-generation-only" input does not show the output workspace but enables image generation. For automation purposes, the "image-generation-only" input would be the recommended input choice to generate and save plots from your nightly runs.